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Writer's pictureTracyann Thomas

Ways to Calm Your Mind During Fall

Fall is approaching and vata energy is slowly but surely becoming the dominant energy in our environment. The environment around us has become unpredictable with constant weather fluctuations like cooler temperatures, windier days, crunchy falling dry leaves, and parched earth. All of this captures the epitome of vata energy: dry, light, cold, changeable, scattered, and ungrounded. This will cause an increase of vata in our bodies and minds, bringing us all more of these qualities of the elements air and space.

Vata, the bioenergy that is a combination of air and space, is the subtle energy of movement, activity, and sensation. This energy governs all the physical movements in the body including breathing, blinking, heart pulsations, circulation, muscle and tissue movements, ingestion of food and water, peristalsis, movements in the cells - you name it! It if moves, it has vata energy to thank.

Vata also governs the mind, sensory perception, and the movement of thoughts, feelings, and nerve impulses - all of the nervous system, in fact. I liken our nervous system is akin to a computer's operating system. It needs to be balanced and energized to perform all its necessary duties efficiently, and we surely have a lot of important duties to carry out.

Because Fall is a time when vata energy is at risk of being in excess, it can be more challenging to calm and settle your mind during this time - so much movement in the mind (and the body) and so much change in the environment, we can get overwhelmed causing our minds to race and easily become overstimulated.

Therefore, having regular practices in place that help quiet the mind, ground your energy and promote stillness to calm the nervous system is paramount for vata balance. If we can properly support our nervous system in the Fall, it significantly helps us to maintain a strong immune system and overall health and well-being.

Here are some signs that you may be experiencing vata excess in the body or mind:

  • bloating

  • gas

  • constipation

  • nervous stomach

  • dry hair &

  • skin

  • anxiety

  • feeling scattered

  • insomnia

  • pain /stiffness

  • exhaustion

  • intolerance to cold

  • overwhelm, racing mind

Following are 3 simple practices that will help you calm your mind and ground your energy during the Fall season.

Daily Oil Massage

To learn more about the practice of abhyanga, including a how-to, click on a previous post here.

Want to read more about the powerful medicinal benefits of oil, click here.

Want to experience getting an abhyanga from a professional? Do your Lymphatic System a solid and come see me for a Total Bliss, which is my own version of an abhyanga. It will leave you feeling thoroughly nurtured and deeply peaceful.

Herbal tea
Herbal Tea

For a variety of balancing tea recipes, you can find them here. My Digestive Tea and Replenishing Rasa Tea are especially supportive for vata excess in the body and during Fall season. For vata in the mind, I would suggest you check out my Butterfly Blue Pea Tea post.

Trying to kick the caffeine habit? See my post here on how to do so comfortably and some Ayurvedic alternatives to your cup of Joe.

Stilling the Mind

I can't underestimate how important meditation is for mental wellness today, and in fact, for overall health. Meditation goes to the root of our consciousness and connects us with our higher self which then aligns us with healing forces.

For more on this, see my post Taming the Mind with Meditation.

To experience a fun and seemingly magical way to meditate, see my post Kaleidoscope Meditation.

For a simple, yet powerful short meditation, see my post on the Art of Being.

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