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Writer's pictureTracyann Thomas

Replenishing with Rasa Tea

One of the ways that I support myself and my predominant Vata dosha during the Fall is to drink some deeply hydrating Rasa Tea. Rasa tea is a nutritive tonic that combines demulcent herbs and warming spices to help replenish dry tissues in the body.

Vata is the predominant energy during the Fall, and therefore, this is the season when our Vata dosha is at greatest risk for imbalance. Vata is movement and change. Any bit of stress, whether big or small, can have an impact on the state of balance for this sensitive dosha.

The first tissue that becomes compromised when this dosha is stressed is Rasa Dhatu. Rasa Dhatu (Lympathic Tissue) is composed of rasa - the plasma or lymph in our blood and it is made up of the element water.

Rasa is the waters of the body, the first and foremost juice of all life. It is the component of the body with nutrients or the vital fluid that we extract from food. This fluid carries water, salts, and enzymes to various parts of the body.

Rasa holds a very important place in Ayurveda. So much so that there is a whole branch of Ayurvedic Medicine dedicated to the restoration and maintenance of this vital fluid ~ called Rasayana Chikitsa.

It is logical to see how an increase in the Vata dosha - with its dry, rough nature, can lead to an imbalance, particularly a depletion in our rasa ~ called Rasa Kshaya.

When rasa is decreased in someone's constitution, one could experience any of the following: fatigue, dehydration, dizziness, dry skin and nails, increased hair fall, palpitations, and nausea. They may feel a sense of sadness, overwhelm, anxiety and have a persistently scattered, ungrounded mind. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is one example of depleted rasa.

Those with a predominant Vata dosha are the most susceptible to decreased rasa. Inherent in Vata's makeup is a tendency towards dryness and a lack of body fluids. Pitta dominant types can also be at risk for a decreased rasa. When Pitta's excess fire/heat enters Rasa Dhatu, it can dry it out.

Kapha types are most susceptible to an increased rasa. Inherent in this dosha's makeup is a tendency towards excess fluid in the body. When increased, one could have lymphatic congestion, edema, swelling, excess salivation, heaviness, and physical or mental lethargy.

Vigorous physical movement and dry brushing are a couple of remedies for this.

For those that are experiencing the dryness of the Fall season deep in their tissues, here is a rasa-promoting remedy for you that helps hold moisture in the body and promotes the production of rasa. In addition, this formula also helps calm the nervous system and strengthens the power of your digestive system.

Replenishing Rasa Tea

1 quart of hot water

Steep the following for 1 hour in a mason jar with the lid on:

- 1 tbsp fenugreek seeds

- 1 tbsp fennel seeds

- 1 tbsp marshmallow root

- 1 tbsp oat straw

- 1 1/2 tsp peppermint leaf

Strain & top a cup of this with a shake of ginger powder, or you could include a small slice of fresh ginger in with the rest of the herbs while they are steeping.

Sip this warm throughout the day.

Also, see my Date Shake IG post for another rasa-promoting remedy.

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